Antler hunting, also known as shed hunting, is a popular outdoor activity that allows hunters and nature enthusiasts to explore the wilderness, gain insights into wildlife behavior, and potentially find valuable antlers that can be used for decoration or other purposes.

Essentially, shed hunting is the activity of looking for antlers that deer or other horned animals have naturally shed. Antlers come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors and are highly prized by artisans, collectors, and dog trainers.

The most effective approach to gaining insights into the behaviors and patterns of deer in your area is through research. Joining a local hunting or outdoor group can also facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and experience. This practice has gained popularity among hunting enthusiasts, nature lovers, and even artists in recent years.

In this article, we will cover various aspects of antler hunting, including shed hunting techniques, optimal hunting times, ideal locations for finding antler sheds, and tips on training a dog to assist in your search.


Shed Antlers

Shed antlers are the antlers that are shed or naturally fall off from deer, elk, moose, and other species of animals with antlers.

Composed of bone, antlers are grown and shed annually by these animals. The size and shape of shed antlers may vary depending on the species and age of the animal.

Antler growth takes place on a yearly basis in male deer, elk, and moose, typically during the spring and summer seasons. During this time, the antlers are covered in a soft tissue called velvet, which supplies blood to support the bone’s development.

Once the antlers have reached their full size, the velvet is shed, and the antlers harden. By the fall or winter, these animals use their antlers for mating rituals and combat. After the mating season is over, the antlers are shed, as they are no longer necessary.


What is Antler Hunting?

Hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, and artisans often collect shed antlers, which can be utilized for various purposes such as crafting jewelry, home décor, and furniture, among other creative applications. The practice of searching for and collecting shed antlers, known as “shed hunting,” has gained popularity among many individuals.

However, it’s important to note that in some areas, there may be legislation that imposes restrictions or outright bans on shed hunting, in order to protect wildlife.


Why Do People Hunt For Shed Antlers?

There are many reasons why people go on antler-shedding hunts. Some people enjoy it as a fun and challenging outdoor activity that gets them outside in nature and acts as a source of exercise.

Shed hunting can also be a chance to observe wildlife, discover more about animal habitats and behavior, and develop an appreciation for nature.

Others are passionate about or have a hobby of collecting shed antlers. They might love the challenge of discovering and collecting antlers of all shapes and sizes, which can furthermore be used for artistic or ornamental purposes.

Shed antlers can be utilized to create a wide range of crafts, including furniture, lighting fixtures, and home decor items.

In addition, there are individuals who appreciate shed antlers for their monetary value and choose to collect them for potential financial gain. Especially for animals like elk and moose, large or unique antlers can hold significant value.

Some dealers and collectors may buy and sell antlers as an investment or as part of their trade.

It is worth mentioning that shed hunting is often considered a more ethically acceptable alternative to hunting live animals.

Collecting shed antlers allows for the acquisition of antlers without endangering or harming the animals, and it can also reduce the impact of hunting on wildlife populations.

However, it is crucial for shed hunters to prioritize the protection of wildlife and their ecosystems, and to comply with any rules or regulations in their local area.

Responsible shed hunting practices are essential to ensure the sustainability and conservation of natural resources.


How to Shed Hunt?

Shed hunting calls for a combination of perseverance, patience, and familiarity with the behaviors of the animals whose antlers you are looking for.

While some hunters prefer to search for antlers alone, others may enlist the assistance of a trained dog. It’s crucial to keep an eye out for deer activity indicators like tracks and droppings when looking for antlers.

The topography and climate in the area where you are looking should also be taken into consideration as they may affect your chances of finding antlers.

Shed hunting is a simple and enjoyable activity that requires minimal equipment. To begin, you will need a pair of comfortable shoes, a backpack to carry your finds, and perhaps a walking stick to help you navigate rough terrain.

Binoculars are frequently used by shed hunters to search the area for prospective antler shedding.

It’s crucial to move gently and keep your eyes on the ground when looking for antler shedding. Considering antlers can blend in with their surroundings, it’s critical to be vigilant for any odd forms or hues.

Searching for evidence of deer activity, such as tracks, droppings, or bedding locations, can also be beneficial.

Shed Hunting for Beginners

If you’ve never gone shed hunting before, it’s a good idea to begin by looking in places where deer are known to congregate, such as feeding or bedding regions.

Researching the specific behaviors of the deer in your area, such as their preferred food sources or migration patterns, can also be useful.

You can also search for antlers near fences, trees, and other objects that might cause deer to lose their antlers.

Never forget to show respect for the wildlife and its natural habitats, and always make sure you have the appropriate authorizations before embarking on a shed hunting trip.

When you first start out, it’s vital to keep your expectations in check and keep in mind that looking for antler sheds can be a hit-or-miss endeavor. Yet, you can improve your odds of success by developing a trained eye for identifying antlers with time and practice.


Why Do Deer Shed Their Antlers?

Deer shed their antlers as a part of their annual reproductive cycle, but this is only one of several factors.

Every year, bucks, or male deer, grow antlers, which they utilize during mating season to establish dominance over other bucks and draw females for mating.

The antlers are shed when the breeding season is over because they are no longer required.

Changes in the deer’s body’s hormone levels cause the antlers to fall off. The pineal gland, a gland in the deer’s brain, begins to release more melatonin as the days grow shorter in the fall.

This causes a drop in testosterone levels in the buck’s body. The tissue that holds the antlers to the buck’s skull begins to deteriorate as testosterone levels drop, which also causes the antlers to begin to weaken.

The antlers gradually fall off as a result of this process, known as osteoclast activity, which weakens the bond between the antlers and the skull.

Depending on the deer species and other environmental circumstances, antler shedding can occur at different times, but it often takes place in the late winter or early spring.

Deer must naturally shed their antlers in order to conserve energy and get ready for the upcoming mating season. The buck’s body will begin to generate a new pair of antlers after the antlers are shed, restarting the reproductive cycle.


When Do Deer Shed Their Antlers?

Depending on the climate and region, deer often lose their antlers in late winter or early spring after the breeding season, with the process typically starting in January and lasting until April.

The timing of antler shedding can vary depending on factors such as age, health, nutrition, and environmental conditions. Younger or less healthy deer may shed their antlers earlier, while older and healthier deer may retain their antlers for a longer duration.


Do Deer Lose Their Antlers Every Year?

Yes, deer and other antlered animals lose and regrow their antlers annually.This process is called antler growth and is influenced by factors such as age, genetics, and nutrition.

The shedding process allows for the growth of new antlers each year. The process is regulated by hormones and is triggered by changes in daylight and other environmental factors.

The antlers grow rapidly during the spring and summer months, and then harden and mature in the fall. After the rut (breeding season) is over, the antlers begin to die off and are eventually shed.


Where to Find Antler Sheds?

Antler sheds can be found in a variety of environments, but are most commonly found in areas where deer spend a lot of time, such as feeding areas, bedding areas, deer trails and travel routes.

Paying attention to deer trails, droppings, and other signs can help narrow down search areas. Look for areas where deer are likely to rub their antlers against trees or other objects, as this can cause the antlers to loosen and eventually fall off.

Additionally, antlers can often be found near fences, creeks, ditches and other obstacles that the deer may have to jump over as this can also cause the antlers to fall off.


Best Time for Shed Hunting

Late winter or early spring is typically considered the optimal time for shed hunting, as this is when deer have typically shed their antlers but before new foliage has started to emerge.

During this time, the antlers on the ground are more visible and easier to spot, as the snow has mostly melted, and the ground is mostly bare. This allows shed hunters to cover more ground efficiently and spot antlers more easily.


When Do Whitetail Deer Lose Their Antlers?

From late December to early March, whitetail deer normally shed their antlers, with February and March seeing the most shedding.

But nonetheless, depending on several factors like age, health, and environmental circumstances, the precise date can change.

Bucks that are in poor health or experiencing stress may shed their antlers earlier than healthier bucks, who may retain their antlers for a longer duration.


What Is the Best Shed Hunting Dog?

Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shorthaired Pointers, English Springer Spaniels, and other specific hound and pointer breeds are known for their exceptional abilities in shed hunting.

These breeds are highly trainable, have high levels of energy, and possess a keen sense of smell. They excel at navigating difficult terrains and tracking scents over long distances, using their noses to locate antlers.

However, with the right temperament and physical capabilities, any breed of dog can be trained to assist with shed hunting.


How to Train Your Dog to Shed Hunt?

Training a dog to assist in shed hunting requires patience, persistence, and a positive mindset. It is important to begin with basic obedience training and gradually introduce antlers, using praise and scent as motivators. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key to effective training in this endeavor.

The following steps can help you get started:

  • Start with basic obedience training: Prior to training your dog to assist in shed hunting, it is essential to establish a strong foundation of basic obedience training. This includes teaching your dog to be comfortable around other people and animals, as well as mastering commands such as recall, stay, and heel when prompted.


  • Introduce the scent of antlers: Once your dog has developed a solid foundation in obedience training, you can gradually introduce the scent of antlers. One effective method is to rub deer antlers on a towel and hide the towel in a location where your dog can find it. When your dog successfully locates the towel, be sure to reward them with praise and treats as positive reinforcement.


  • Practice retrieving antlers: You can start practicing collecting antlers once your dog is accustomed to their scent. Start with hiding the antler in an area that is relatively simple to find, and then gradually make the hiding spots more challenging. Every time your dog successfully retrieves an antler, be sure to praise and treat them.


  • Develop your dog’s search skills: As your dog becomes more proficient in retrieving antlers, you can progress to refining their search skills. This may entail hiding antlers in challenging locations such as dense brush or tall grass. Even if your dog doesn’t always succeed in finding an antler, it’s important to acknowledge and reward their efforts to encourage their progress.


  • Fine-tune your dog’s skills: As your dog’s shed hunting skills improve, you can further hone their abilities by introducing additional challenges, such as searching for antlers on steep terrain or in water. Incorporating regular exercise and play into your dog’s training routine can also help enhance their speed and endurance.


In conclusion, using a trained dog to assist in shed hunting can be a fun and effective way to find more antlers and to cover more ground. With patience, consistency, and a positive attitude, any breed of dog can be trained to become a skilled shed hunter.